::::::::::::::::::::::::Pierre Pepin::::::

Comunicação apresentada ao
MADEIRA FUNCHAL 9 A 12 De Maio 2007

Using Multimedia Process, Through Arts, Sciences, and Technology, for Educators in the classroom:

The garden as a pedagogical theme and tool.

The main challenge of this paper is to present easy and simple activities to use in the classroom, concerning the garden as a theme for discussion between educators and students, and as a territorial tool for developing collaborative learning between pupils and common citizens within the space of the city.

The purpose of these activities is to help educators develop different approaches and strategies while using interactive multimedia through art and help them develop an efficient hybrid way of teaching. Teachers should deal with the global culture. They should realize that by acknowledging the limitations of the global culture, for anyone but the cultural producers, the markers of identity, they should not reject the global culture altogether. Teachers should engage with their own cultural heritage but should not retreat into it as if it was unchanging and somehow pure. Educators should communicate and preserve basic knowledge about the traditional approaches to art, while strategically facilitating the hybrid approach, which is the combination of traditional and technological components, within the classroom on a daily basis. The direction of my research points towards a new vision of globalization. The strategic orientation of the paper is based on discovery as a starting point for beginning a process of research and analysis by mixing Art, Technology, and Sciences within the specific arena of the urban gardens.

The two major orientations of the suggested research method that I proposed for educators

1. David A. Kolb’s(1939) converging style

Kolb’s is experimential learning approach suggests that educators handle problem resolution from a variety of angles. The various tactics suggested explore multiple potential orientations for teachers. Once under way, these tactics favour development of an idea and ways to develop the project with students.

Kolb’s various approaches combine four types of learning that offer a reference tool to teachers and allow them to progressively incorporate a specific or combined procedure that aims to facilitate students’ research that I have adapted to teaching fine arts. The converging style is one of the types of experiential learning used and presents compromises dominated by abstraction and action, through which the subject transforms the theory while preparing for action.  

2. (Philippe Marton 1992) Pedagogical visualisation in educational technology

Pedagogical visualisation adds to the process an even more dynamic aspect of structuring multimedia messages based on known scientific fundamentals in communications and semiology. As an educational technology, this pedagogical visualization procedure reinforces the clarification of the message to be transmitted to students. With these two methods, the creation process is approached from a problem resolution standpoint. In the Pedagogical Creation Strategies Booklet , a significant start to strategic learning is proposed. This allows teachers to “kick off” an interactive multimedia development process (sound, pictures and video) among the students for an idea that takes shape through all strategies proposed.

The InteractiveBook proposes preliminary activities (both in terms of research methodology and preparation of activities), and begins the object analysis method, combining pedagogical visualization in educational technology and one of its components, the multimedia message (sound, pictures and video) (combining all senses such as hearing, sight, touch, smell and sometimes even taste. Favours searching for the object (source) (Marton,1992) (1), a function that encourages students to use a crescendo of media, which all modify the perception of the “receptor,” i.e. the groups of students. It therefore incorporates a transfer from the classical approach to the technological approach, clarifying all the object’s parameters that facilitate beginning research.

Among the other preliminary actions, a schematic presentation of the procedure used with students and teachers will be clarified during this speech and will answer the following questions:

  • How is research started?
  • What are the preliminary actions?
  • How are these preliminary actions linked in research?

What possible post-research orientations exist for students that bring together the arts, science and technology…?

Pierre Pepin French Canadian Educator, He has more than thirty-five years of experience as a teacher in Art Science and Technology. He is known for his innovative approaches and was trained in the Industry regarding the introduction of art, sciences, and technology through art. His responsibilities consist on the creation of curricula, delivering instructions, evaluating students, developing and implementing strategic plans, and managing projects. He is presently working on a PhD in Media Arts and Technology at the ‘Université du Québec in Montreal, Canada. He is a full time professor at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, Florida teaching undergraduate courses in Graphic Design, Packaging Design, foundation studies, Photography, Illustration, Fine art, Advertising, Multimedia and Animation, Story Conceptualization, and Character Development. Regularly gives lectures and workshops both internationally (Europe, Asia), in the United States, and in Canada. The last representation was at World Conference on Art Education Lisbon, Portugal March 6-9, 2006.

I specialized at developing multicultural approaches and strategies for educators through his PHD in K12, College, and at University level. His book will be released in 2006 and is related to his research in this domain.

I taught at the School of Visual Art, in New-York, F.A.U. University at the Boca Raton campus, Florida, at the NYIT New York Institute of technology to the Master Degree program in Graphic Design and Advertising, at the Broward Community College south campus, Continuing Education, North Miami where he trained students and adults for the Industry in Graphic Design and Multimedia field. He is a current member of the Art Director’s Club New York, the I.N.S.E.A. (International Society for Education through Art), the C.A.A. (College Art Association) in New-York, and the I.S.E.A. (International Society Electronic Art). Pierre Pepin is also the recipient of the Achievement Award from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale in Florida. He received a Grant from the G.R.A.M. (Group of Interactive Media art Research, Montreal Canada).


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(1) Philippe Marton, Notes de cours du professeur titulaire Philippe Marton, Plan du cours TEN-61084: «Stratégies de réalisation de messages multimédias interactifs», op. cit.
Pierre Pepin . Art and Media Educator Doctoral Student in études et pratiques des arts . Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada . U.S.A. 954-253-9534 . Canada 418- 694-2453