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Nº 15, 2006
Dedicado a Pedro da Silveira

Francisco Cota Fagundes:
Da migração e do exílio na poesia de Pedro da Silveira
Fagundes, F. C. (2006), Da migração e do exílio na poesia de Pedro da Silveira. Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta , 15: 77-104.
Fagundes, F. C. (2006), On migration and exile in the poetry of Pedro da Silveira. Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta , 15: 77-104.





A partida

O retorno

Exílio insular e extra-insular

Considerações finais



This study focuses on the themes of migration (in contradistinction to emigration) and exile in the poetry of Pedro da Silveira. Attention will be focused on poems related to the migrant experiences of departure and re-entry , and on insular and extra-insular exile , the latter category bearing a close relationship to what we here term the search for the island , a search that results, in the opinion of this reader, in some of the most noteworthy thematic innovations in the Silveiran poetic oeuvre.

Palavras-chave : emigração, migração, exílio, partida, chegada, regresso, viagem, exílio interno, exílio externo, poesia de temática corográfica, açorianidade.
Key-words : emigration, migration, exile, departure, arrival, re-entry, voyage, internal exile, external exile, poetry based on chorographic themes, ‘azoreanity’ .

Francisco Cota Fagundes – Department of Spanish and Portuguese. University of Massachusetts Amherst. Amherst MA01003 U.S.A.